Arms wari pvp talent 3.3.5

Arms Warrior PvP Rotation - YouTube
All talents are good but only 1 thing Sudden Death isnt right talent for arenas Improved Hamstring is better becouse Execution takes big amount of rage and lives you
Mists of Pandaria - Talent Calculator.
Next rank:
Arms wari pvp talent 3.3.5
Arms wari pvp talent 3.3.5
Mists of Pandaria - Talent Calculator.
Tauri eXtra II - Talentkereső Arms Warrior PvP Talent Build (WotLK.
Holy Paladin PvP Talent Build (WotLK.
Talent Calculator for the new Mists of Pandaria expansion of World of Warcraft.

I have been asked in game and through the forums to go over a basic ability rotation and make a short guide over it. Here is what I came up with; in this
Hey mate! Saw that you used my arena video in this guide, and that is awesome But you really should change it to my new 3.3.5 arena video, lot more skills and I play