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Urban Dictionary: rock cocainelossary of Drug Related Terms - Glossary.
Legal intoxicant - Wikipedia, the free.
18.07.2008 · Best Answer: You're all wrong. It depends on the strain, or the hybridized mixes of strains in the specific plant. Sativa is generally taller and takes up
Cocaine vs Crack - Difference and.
lossary of Drug Related Terms - Glossary.
Smoking Potpourri Drug Fact Sheet - Welcome to the United States Department of JusticeGlossary of Drug Related Terms - Glossary of Substance Abuse Terms. This glossary provides definitions for slang and street names related to drugs.
Stimulants (See: Drugs in American Society, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th editions, Erich Goode, McGraw-Hill, 1999/2005/2008/2012. Chapter 10 and Drugs, Society, and Human

Amphetamines Overview Amphetamines are stimulants that speed up the body’s system. Many are legally prescribed and used to treat attention-deficit
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a term growing popular in the medical world. the Drug Ritalin, in the long run is shown to have some parallel effects as rock cocaine when ingested
What's the difference between Cocaine and Crack? Crack and cocaine are both drugs created from the coca plant but have a different level of refinement. Crack cocaine